Follow-On Sessions

Follow-on group for the general public

This is a group set up for those who have completed a mindfulness course, who find it helpful to meet once a month to keep their mindfulness practice alive.

The group meets monthly on a Monday morning 10.00 – 11.30am.

Most of the sessions are on zoom and there will be two in-person sessions in the year near Guildford.

There is guided practice, discussion, a theme for each session and time to talk things over.

Dates for 2025 10-11.30am on Zoom
Mon 20 Jan, Mon 10 Feb, Mon 10 March, Mon 7 April, Mon 12 May (in person) ,Mon 9 June, Mon 7 July, Mon 8 Sept (in person), Mon 20 Oct, Mon 10 Nov, Mon 8 Dec.

The cost for all the 2025 sessions is £170.00 (concessions are available) and come to as many of the sessions as you are able.

If you are interested in joining this group, please contact Claire

Follow-on group for those with Multiple Sclerosis (subsidised by MS Society)

This is a group for those with MS, who have completed a mindfulness course and would  find it helpful to meet once a month to keep their mindfulness practice alive. The sessions last 1 hour and are on zoom on Thursday afternoons 2-3pm. 

If you are interested in joining this group, please contact Claire

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